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Fasten Your Seatbelts-November Series

New Sermon Series for November :

- Fasten Your Seat Belts

On our trips to Seoul, South Korea, to visit our kids, we encounter a very long flight of approximately fourteen hours. One of the first things you hear from the captain as we prepare to take off are those words: "Fasten your seat belts." Often during the flight we encounter turbulence and once again the captain comes on the loud speaker and states: "Fasten your seat belts." And the third time (and best) we surely hear the words from the captain: "Fasten your seat belts to prepare for landing."


I don't know what you do when you hear these words, but most assuredly I pray, because I am not in control of any of those situations, which leads me to a bit of fear of the unknown. What I seek is the assurance that God has this one covered just for me (well not really just for me, but often my prayers act like this).


In the four Sundays of November, leading to our Advent Series entitled "Our Coming Savior," we will take up the topic of Fastening our Seat Belts and entrusting God with all that we have. The four Sundays will be about Prayer, Remembering, Seeking, and Following.


Yes, I know Thanksgiving will occur during this time, but actually all revolve about being thankful as we rest in the hands of an Almighty God at all times, in all circumstances, and in all places.


So, fasten your seat belt and join in this coming series.

Pastor Greg