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July 2023

From the pastor's desk, Pastor Russell's Rambling,

Grace and peace to you from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. Paul started many of his letters in this manner. As the moving truck gets us to McCutchanville, I will be eager to worship with you all on July 2.


Over the next few weeks, I, along with Denise, my wife, and Denise's brother David Rose will enjoy getting to know you all. We encourage you to stop and visit as we learn about the wonderful community of McCutchanville. Denise and I look forward to ministry and where God makes a path for the church and our lives. I pray we will grow closer to the love of Jesus and work as disciples of Jesus Christ in growing the kingdom of God. I look forward to worshiping with you, to digging deeper into God's word in Bible study and prayer. I feel very strongly God has invited and led us to come and be with you. Jeremiah 29:11 God has great plans for us. Not to harm us but help us prosper. I am sure God will bless our efforts as we pray and fellowship together.


God has many great things planned for McCuthanville Community Church's ministry. Over the next few weeks, as we get to know each other, please share your vision of what God is doing and how we can help the love of Jesus Christ to work. I know Pastor Greg has been a well-loved and wonderful pastor. The shoes will be hard to fill. With God's help Densie and I will serve God and love you all. Again we look forward to meeting, worshiping, and beginning a fun time in ministry.



We ask that you are in prayer with us for the ministry God leads us to do.



Love and God's Blessings,


Pastor Russell